
International work experience can yield tremendous benefits. Learn about the opportunities offered by organizations in Canada or search for some offered abroad.

Learn about the National Occupational Classification (NOC) and International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) to find an occupation title.

Get information on the recognition of academic credentials and professional qualifications for internationally trained individuals working abroad.

Prepare to emigrate from Canada by contacting immigration authorities in other countries and learn about other services that could facilitate your arrival abroad.

Search the Directory of International Labour-Mobility Resources to find information relevant to your country of destination, including national information centres and mutual recognition agreements.

Get your credentials assessed

Before leaving Canada to work, you may wish to find specific information about your country of destination, including:

  • occupational regulations;
  • organizations responsible for the recognition of your credentials and qualifications;
  • recognition procedures.

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Directory of International Labour-Mobility Resources

Search the directory to find information relevant to your country of destination, including national information centres and mutual recognition agreements (MRAs).


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