Document the decision on the assessment outcome

Gather justification for your decision and record the new comparability assessment outcome in your information systems. Continual review and updating of your policies and procedures ensures continued accuracy.

For internal procedures:
  • Document the grounds on which you have formed an opinion on the comparability assessment outcome. These may include:
    • precedents found in your information systems;
    • document analysis techniques;
    • internal and external resources gathered from:
      • the applicant;
      • primary sources;
      • secondary and tertiary sources (with caution).
  • Gather all relevant justification. This is especially important when the process has led to a assessment outcome that is not favourable to the applicant. It may serve in an appeal process if one is initiated by the applicant;
  • Input the new comparability assessment outcome into your precedents database. It will serve as a reference for future applicants;
  • Review any associated precedent decisions, opinions, and guidelines. This recurrent review process — especially when new information has been gathered— ensures that they are still:
    • current;
    • accurate;
    • applicable.
  • Update records and justify any substantial change in previously established practices within your organization. New information may require a realignment of internal policies and procedures;
  • Share any new findings with the pan-Canadian community of academic credential assessors using CICIC's tool box.

Comply with the Pan-Canadian Quality Assurance Framework for the Assessment of International Academic Credentials (QAF)

This step complies with guiding principles 10, 12, 26, and 41 of QAF.

Consult QAF to get more information.

Consult additional resources

You may find useful information in other resources, such as:
  1. EAR Consortium (EP-Nuffic, UK NARIC, ENIC-NARIC France, and ENIC-NARIC Poland). (2012). European Area of Recognition (EAR) Manual, chapter 10 and 11;
  2. EAR-HEI Consortium (EP-Nuffic, ENIC-NARIC France, ENIC-NARIC Latvia, ENIC-NARIC Ireland, European University Association (EUA), ENIC-NARIC Lithuania, ENIC-NARIC Denmark, ENIC-NARIC Poland and Tuning Educational Structures in Europe). (2016). European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions (EAR-HEI), part II, items 9 and 10; part III, item 12.