More information on qualifications frameworks

Within the context of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, a Recommendation on the Use of Qualifications Frameworks in the Recognition of Foreign Qualifications was adopted by Member States of UNESCO in 2013. This subsidiary text promotes the:
  • development of qualifications frameworks in each Member State;
  • use of qualifications frameworks by organizations in their recognition processes.
Here are some examples of qualifications frameworks in other countries and regions:

What is the Lisbon Recognition Convention?

The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (the Lisbon Recognition Convention) is an international agreement contracted between 55 States.

Canada became a signatory to the Lisbon Recognition Convention on November 4, 1997, supported by provincial and territorial governments, with a view to ratification.

For more information, consult the Lisbon Recognition Convention Web page and information on other similar international agreements.