Get more information about the Directory of International Labour-Mobility Resources

This on-line directory is maintained by CICIC.


We provide a listing of known international mutual recognition agreements for occupations in Canada.

However, it is possible that some MRAs are not listed in our directory or that no pertinent information is available on-line at this time.

Organizations included in this directory

We provide a comprehensive listing of the following organizations:
  • national information centres outside Canada;
  • foreign embassies, consulates, and high commissions located in Canada;
  • Canadian embassies, consulates, high commissions, and other government offices outside Canada.

However, it is possible that some organizations are not listed in our directory or that no pertinent information is available on-line at this time.

What is not included in this directory

We do not provide a listing of:
  • international volunteer programs;
  • paid professional exchange programs;
  • work-and-learn programs;
  • ministries or departments responsible for the labour market and employment outside Canada;
  • regulatory bodies or professional associations outside Canada;
  • public or private job-search services.