Determine whether there are any substantial differences

Compare both perspectives, ensuring a fair comparability process and enabling you to form an opinion on the outcome.

For internal procedures:
  • Consult precedents for any previous similar applications processed by your organization in the past. It may be exactly the same or share similarities, such as the:
    • issuing educational institution;
    • completed academic program;
    • academic credential obtained after completion.
  • Consult precedents from:
    • within the concerned jurisdiction;
    • other jurisdictions with a similar education system structure.
  • Compare your findings with the range of outcomes identified by the pan-Canadian academic credential assessment community using CICIC's Directory of Comparability Assessment Outcomes;
  • Document the rationale for your decision if you found a substantial difference in the comparability process. If a precedent is found, the written rationale used to substantiate previous decisions may prove extremely useful;
  • Consult other internal and external resources to support your process. CICIC's tool box can support your research process and provide a space to consult with other members of the pan-Canadian academic credential assessment community.

Comply with the Pan-Canadian Quality Assurance Framework for the Assessment of International Academic Credentials (QAF)

This step complies with guiding principles 31 and 39 of QAF.

Consult QAF to get more information.

Consult additional resources

You may find useful information in other resources, such as:
  1. EAR Consortium (EP-Nuffic, UK NARIC, ENIC-NARIC France, and ENIC-NARIC Poland). (2012). European Area of Recognition (EAR) Manual, chapter 10;
  2. EAR-HEI Consortium (EP-Nuffic, ENIC-NARIC France, ENIC-NARIC Latvia, ENIC-NARIC Ireland, European University Association (EUA), ENIC-NARIC Lithuania, ENIC-NARIC Denmark, ENIC-NARIC Poland and Tuning Educational Structures in Europe). (2016). European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions (EAR-HEI), part II, item 9.