Examine the applicant’s identity and educational chronology

Gather and compare the applicant's demographic information with those found in the documents and the educational chronology.

For internal procedures:
  • Confirm the applicant's essential demographic information appearing on documents, such as:
    • name (current and previous);
    • date of birth;
    • country of birth;
    • address (current and previous, when available).
  • Gather and sort all documents by date in order to learn about the applicant's educational chronology;
  • Compare the essential demographic information against the overall educational chronology. Having this overview may help you better understand:
    • the timeline/chronology;
    • the accuracy of the information;
    • whether the file is complete; and
    • whether the typical and expected academic pathway is coherent.
  • Check for any noticeable inconsistencies, such as:
    • non-identical demographic information;
    • irregular or atypical academic pathway from one credential to the next;
    • overlapping periods of study; and
    • the physical location of the applicant and educational institution.

Comply with the Pan-Canadian Quality Assurance Framework for the Assessment of International Academic Credentials (QAF)

This step complies with guiding principles 35 and 38 of QAF.

Consult QAF to get more information.

Consult additional resources

You may find useful information in other resources, such as:
  1. EAR Consortium (EP-Nuffic, UK NARIC, ENIC-NARIC France, and ENIC-NARIC Poland). (2012). European Area of Recognition (EAR) Manual, chapter 4;
  2. EAR-HEI Consortium (EP-Nuffic, ENIC-NARIC France, ENIC-NARIC Latvia, ENIC-NARIC Ireland, European University Association (EUA), ENIC-NARIC Lithuania, ENIC-NARIC Denmark, ENIC-NARIC Poland and Tuning Educational Structures in Europe). (2016). European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions (EAR-HEI), part II, item 5; part V, item 17;
  3. World Education Services – Canada. (2012). Best Practices: Strategies and Processes to Obtain Authentic International Educational Credentials, chapters 4 and 5.