Prepare the documents for internal processing

Documents are processed according to internal policies and procedures and compared against your organization's document requirements.

For internal procedures:

  • Create an applicant file, consisting of a:
    • paper-based process; and/or
    • digitized process.
  • Sort documents by type, for:
    • processing; and
    • assignment to an employee responsible for the assessment.
  • Digitize copies of all documents received, for electronic storage (if applicable);
  • Compare your organization's document requirements against the assessment application package received:
    • identify missing documents as well as any justification to explain why the package is incomplete (if applicable).
  • Confirm, through an initial quick screening, the essential demographic information in the documents, such as:
    • name (current and previous);
    • date of birth;
    • country of birth;
    • postal address (current and previous, when available).
  • Confirm, through an initial quick screening, whether the documents were issued by the appropriate authority.

Comply with the Pan-Canadian Quality Assurance Framework for the Assessment of International Academic Credentials (QAF)

This step complies with guiding principle 15 of QAF.

Consult QAF to get more information.

Consult additional resources

You may find useful information in other resources, such as:
  1. EAR Consortium (EP-Nuffic, UK NARIC, ENIC-NARIC France, and ENIC-NARIC Poland). (2012). European Area of Recognition (EAR) Manual, chapter 2;
  2. EAR-HEI Consortium (EP-Nuffic, ENIC-NARIC France, ENIC-NARIC Latvia, ENIC-NARIC Ireland, European University Association (EUA), ENIC-NARIC Lithuania, ENIC-NARIC Denmark, ENIC-NARIC Poland and Tuning Educational Structures in Europe). (2016). European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions (EAR-HEI), part II, item 5.
  3. World Education Services – Canada. (2012). Best Practices: Strategies and Processes to Obtain Authentic International Educational Credentials, chapters 4 and 6;